This is a test site. Any registrations are for test purposes only.
An Adult Sponsor may be a teacher, parent, professor, and/or other professional scientist in whose facilities the student is working.
This individual must have a solid background in science and should have close contact with the student during the course of the project.
The Adult Sponsor is responsible for working with the student to evaluate any possible risks involved in order to ensure the health and safety
of the student conducting the research and the humans and/or animals involved in the study.
The Adult Sponsor must review the student’s
Student Checklist (1A) and
Research Plan/Project Summary
to insure that: a) experimentation is within local, state, and Federal laws and ISEF rules;
b) forms are completed by other required adults; and
c) criteria for the Qualified Scientist adhere to those set forth below.
The adult sponsor, in collaboration with the student, is responsible to fill out the "Checklist for Adult Sponsor" (ISEF Form 1).
You may reference our Forms page and our Rules page for additional information.
For rules questions, please contact
Please include the student’s name, grade in school, and if possible, the student’s complete research plan.
Questions? Contact us at
Phone support is also available:
Timara Underbakke 763-577-1400 (hours vary but you can leave a message).